
We are very sorry that the 2023 Friends of MKI Annual Meeting and Program has to be cancelled because of the COVID-19 situation. 

能上油管的网络加速器 for further information.

The Friends of the Max Kade Institute will hold their Annual Meeting 2023 in Ozaukee County, a center of German and Luxembourg immigration in the 1850s and 1860s. We will explore the maritime history of Port Washington, a beautiful Lake Michigan harbor town, where many immigrants first set foot on Wisconsin soil. In rotating groups, we will enjoy a self-guided tour of the Exploreum, the town’s new maritime museum; we will be guided through the historic Light Station and Museum; and we will visit the Port Washington Historical Society to see their exhibits and hear a presentation about the town’s early settler families from German-speaking Europe. Afterward, we will drive to the Milwaukee Ale House in nearby Grafton for the annual business meeting and dinner, followed by a presentation by MKI Director Mark Louden on “Luxembourgers in Wisconsin.”



Join us for the 2023 Annual Meeting, and step back into the nineteenth century at Old World Wisconsin in Eagle, WI.  OWW is an open air museum with more than 60 historic structures brought here from around the state, including three German immigrant farms from the 1860s, 1870s, and 1880s. We will enjoy a private, guided tram tour of all the grounds, followed by a walking tour of the German sites. Afterwards we will move to the Clausing Barn for our annual meeting and the dinner. The Clausing Barn is an octagonal two-story structure that was built by German barn builder Ernst Clausing in 1897 in Mequon, Ozaukee County. Tying our day together will be a lecture by Johannes Strohschänk, Professor of German at UW-Eau Claire, on “Old Wine in New Bottles or Is Heimat Portable?”
For more information click HERE.



Are you interested in German-American culture, heritage, and immigration research?
Help support the many activities of the Max Kade Institute for German-American Studies by becoming a new member or renewing your membership 浏览youtube加速器推荐.  

Members receive the Friends Newsletter three times a year, which contains information about Max Kade Institute activities and current research in German-American studies. You will also enjoy reduced fees at MKI workshops and will be the first to learn about the Institute’s events, programs, special lectures, and social events. The Friends of the Max Kade Institute is a 501(c)(3) organization, and contributions are tax-deductible.

A membership in the Friends of the Max Kade Institute makes a special holiday gift!


The latest Friends of Max Kade Institute Newsletter is here!
Personal German-American stories and documents are the focus of this issue. Read more about…
– “The Greatest Christmas Ever”: A German-American Pastor’s Service on December 25, 1918
– The Autobiography of Christian Pauli of Winterkraut
– The Otto Schroeder Recordings
– From Rural Germany to the 19th-century Midwest
– The Thiel Family Immigration Story.

If you have not already received your newsletter, join the Friends of the Max Kade Institute and get a copy!



求上油管的加速器Looking to find your German ancestors in Europe? The Friends of the Max Kade Institute are co-sponsoring a German genealogy workshop held by the Max Kade Institute and the Wisconsin Historical Society. Join us on February 23, 2023, in Madison! For more details, including registration information, click 什么加速器可伍看油管